After 40 years of caring for the Orange County community, we are unfortunately closing our doors. Learn More

Stress, Headaches, and the Holidays

Stress, Headaches, and the Holidays

Rein in seasonal stress to prevent painful headaches Each December, our schedules fill up with errands, gatherings, and year-end celebrations. And while the season is meant to be a time of joy, all the hustle and bustle can take a toll on your health. Whether it’s...
Preventing Holiday Heartburn

Preventing Holiday Heartburn

Come November, fall celebrations switch from spooky to festive, and we look ahead to the feasting frenzy of Thanksgiving. And while many of us will indulge in familiar favorites like gravy, stuffing, and cranberry sauce without too much consequence, this heavy holiday...
Navigating a Negative COVID-19 Test

Navigating a Negative COVID-19 Test

Everyone in your household is coughing, sneezing, aching, and feeling downright under the weather. You automatically assume COVID-19, and head for your swab tests. But to your surprise, the results come back negative–leaving you with more questions than answers....
Reduce Your Risk of Respiratory Illnesses

Reduce Your Risk of Respiratory Illnesses

This fall, as students head back to in-person learning and football fans gather en-masse to kick off the new season, public health fears of COVID-19 and flu season loom large. Diminished mask mandates, colder temps, and more time spent indoors will almost certainly...
Warning Signs of Heat-Related Illness

Warning Signs of Heat-Related Illness

Amid this summer’s heatwaves and record-breaking temperatures, it’s an important time to know the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. Extended exposure to sun or heat can lead to everything from dehydration and muscle cramps, to heat exhaustion, heatstroke,...
Choosing a Sunscreen

Choosing a Sunscreen

While it’s important to wear sunscreen all year long, the sun’s UV rays are strongest during the summer months, making it a critical time to lather up. But, choosing a sunscreen can be tricky. With varying SPFs, water- and sweat-proof claims, and different textures...